Monday, December 5, 2016

Christmas Ornament Craft

Christmas Ornament Craft

Things you will need:
Christmas Trees:
  • Popsicle Sticks
  • Ribbon
  • Green Paint
  • Brown Paper
  • Random odds and ends
  • Hot Glue
Candy Canes:
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Beads
These are super easy and super fun! Great sensory activities! In the hour I did these I was actually really crammed for time! So I would recommend having a very small group or longer than an hour to do both crafts!
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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Dinner Etiquette

What you will need:
  • Plates
  • Forks
  • Knives
  • Spoons
  • Cup
  • Placemats
  • Napkins
  • Printed Out Food Pictures
  • Tables
This was a really fun activity! First we went over dinner etiquette and quizzed them on different things. It is totally their era and they knew most all of the rules!
Here are a few sites we used but the possibility is endless! You could watch a YouTube how-to video!
After you go over where everything goes you have them set their own table as a test!
We also talked about good manners at a restaurant! With things like how to tip your server... etc...
We also talked about unique restaurants! SUPER fun! Here is a website for that!
The last activity we quizzed the residents by showing different food and having them pick which utensil to eat it with and hold it up! (remember your fingers are included!)
Here are the photos we used!
HAVE FUN! :) They will love this! :) (Make sure to do this before they eat a meal! So they don't get grouchy when there is no food after haha!)
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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving Activity Pumpkin Cheesecake

It's that time of year again! Thanksgiving! We did a fun baking activity I wanted to share! You could use this all year around! They BEG for treats often so we decided to make Pumpkin Cheesecake! YUM!
What you will need:
  • 2 pkg (8 oz) Cream Cheese
  • 1/2 c sugar
  • 1/2 c canned pumpkin
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • dash ground clove
  • dash ground nutmeg
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 ready-to-use graham cracker crumb (6 oz)
  • 1 cup thawed cool whip
Heat oven to 350. Blend all ingredients. Pour into crust. Cook 40 minutes. Refrigerate 3 hours and top with cool whip! SERVE :)
We made it a very sensory activity and took turns stirring and adding different ingredients! We even made two cheesecakes and started over from scratch and made double. While we did that we played a gratitude game!

I used pipe cleaners instead which was hard to pick up a single one without all of them sticking together! So maybe straws or painted popsicle sticks would work better! But it was super fun and easy! :)

Here are some other ideas if you'd like!

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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Leaf Craft

Leaf Craft

This craft makes for a very easy and quick craft! Definitely affordable! (Especially in the leafy seasons!) I like fall because the leaves are turning slightly different colors! All you need is:
  • Print outs of different things (optional)
  • paper
  • elmers glue
  • Lots of different leaves and branches
It is SUPER simple! You can either make your own like the ones directly below! Have them make a pattern! Or print off a different clipart picture and had them add to it! Check out all the options I found below!!

PS: these don't last SUPER long! They dry up pretty quickly!


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Adaptive Games

Adaptive Games
 This is a perfect activity for residents of all types! We run into a lot of problems with higher cognitive or physical games, but this is a perfect adaptive option. Most anyone is able to play this and enjoy it! (Even if they need assistance)
Giant Tic Tac Toe
(I used different materials! but here is a picture of the basic idea)
  • Bean Bags (Different colors for each person) ALSO: If you can have a least 5 bean bags for each person!
  • Tape
  • Yarn
All I did was tape off with yarn and tape 18 squares! SUPER easy! And we had a giant tic tac toe battle with two different teams! THEY LOVED IT! We helped some of the residents, but overall it was a hit!
Bouncing Game
  • 5 boxes or bowls
  • Print out of different points
  • Racquet balls
We played this on hard ground and had them bounce it it! The Racquet balls make it more challenging for the residents! They bounce all over so it's a little bit of a higher level of play. Everyone really liked it because it was a challenge! Here is a picture of the basic idea! (SORRY not actual pictures! We were too busy and having too much fun to take a pic!)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Grass Head Activity

Grass Head Activity
  • Cups
  • Camera to take pictures
  • Tape
  • Dirt
  • Grass seed
  • Frequent water
This is a simple activity! It takes about 30 minutes unless you tag another activity or game along with it! Super fun and easy! Something they can continue to take care of and watch. Which is always fun, especially if you don't have access to a garden. There are a lot of green thumbs in the older generation!
Because it's very easy I am not going to provide instructions! :) Here is a picture of an example! :)
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Super Hero Training

Super Hero Training
Thanks to good ol Pinterest I was able to create this really fun activity! It was such a hit! I think I had more fun doing it though! :) Here is what you will need...
  • Crayons
  • Print outs provided below
  • Balloons
  • A weight for the balloons
  • Permanent Marker for balloons
  • Balls/Nerf Guns (some sort of easy weapon)
We first had everyone come up with our superhero names (provided by the super hero generator print out) and fill out licenses, and imagine a super power for each person. Then color or individual symbols (printout provided). Then we had them do a check off superhero crime fighting work out to prepare to fight the bad guys! Then we set up all the balloons scattered around the room and had them attack them in order to pass their certification! Nerf guns would have been really fun, but we only had soft hand sized balls. They used the balloons as targets! Head show was fatal blow or knock out! String or weight was an injury! :) SUPER fun! They LOVED it!! :)

SOOO FUN! :)  I have provided some other ideas I wanted to use but didn't have time for!

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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Hand Butterflies

  • Spoons
  • Paper
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Optional googley eyes
  • tape or Elmer's glue
This is a fairly easy craft! Super cute! The only different thing about doing it with residents is their hands are a lot larger than this picture! The wings are HUGE! So definitely cut the residents hands to be a little smaller! I used pipe cleaner for the antennas but paper works too! I also just used permanent marker for the face! :) Really fun! :)
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Tissue Paper Jelly Fish

  • Different ribbon, and string
  • Elmer's Glue
  • Different colored and cut pieces of tissue paper
  • Jelly Fish Paper
This was one of my favorite activities! Definitely a fun easy activity that looks absolutely DARLING!
You first print out the jelly fish print provided below. Only cut out the head of the jellyfish. Then apply a thin layer of Elmer's glue on the whole jelly fish head. Then modge podge all different color tissue paper on top. Lastly tape ribbons and string in different lengths on the back of the jellyfish. Let dry! SUPER CUTE! :) hang them in the window!