Friday, June 10, 2016

Senior Olympics

Senior Olympics
At our facility we had a Senior Olympic day. We had different Olympic themed activities. Some for our Dementia unit, and others for our general population. Some of our activities included:
- Olympic Torch Craft (general)
-Olympic Ring Craft (dementia)
-Senior Olympic Games (all)
Olympic Torch Craft
What you will need:
  • Toilet paper roll/ paper towel roll/ or paper cup
  • Orange, Yellow, and Red tissue paper
  • opt: automatic tea light
  • orange cupcake holder
  • Glue
  • Scissors
This activity was pretty self explanatory but they really enjoyed it! If you use paper cups I would spray paint them brown to make them really look like a torch. We only used glue for the cupcake holder. So we all made one and we had them bring them back and hold up their torches for our opening ceremony for our games!
Olympic Ring Craft
What you will need:
  • 5 plastic cups
  • Red, Black, Yellow, Blue, Green paint colors
  • 5 plastic plates
  • white paper
My Dementia unit is very limited to some of the activities we can do. So although this is extremely simple it was a great hands on activity. It took about 20 minutes and we talked about the Olympics and did our craft by dipping the cups into the paint and putting them on paper. It was great! Perfect intro to our Olympic day!
Senior Olympic Games
What you will need:
  • pool noodles
  • straws
  • water balloons
  • two different color plastic cups
  • Medals or prizes
We first had an opening ceremony sang the national anthem and held up our torches. Two residents walked a path with their torches as we sang! (super cute) then we begun our games! We each took a turn for each event.
 First was our water balloon throw (shot put) whoever threw it the furthest won.
Our next activity was the pool noodle throw (javelin) we held them like a javelin and threw them as far as we could! (Don't be in the wind!haha)
We did a straw blowing contest! SO fun! We were laughing so hard! So just blow the wrapper off the straw and see who can blow it farther! There is some technique so maybe experiment a little before and let your residents know some tricks to make it fair! :)
Cup game! We had a stack of 20 red cups with one blue cup at the bottom. We timed them and whoever had the best time won. You had move the cups to the bottom until the blue cup came out on the top!
We had A BLAST! Had an award ceremony at the end and we really had fun :)
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Friday, June 3, 2016

Homemade Lemonade

Homemade Lemonade
This is definitely a classic activity for seniors especially in the summer. It's a great activity to have everyone participate!
  • 1 cups white sugar (You can do less or splenda for sugar-free option)                                                             
  1. In a small saucepan, combine sugar and 1 cup water. Bring to boil and stir to dissolve sugar. Allow to cool to room temperature, then cover and refrigerate until chilled.
  2. Remove seeds from lemon juice, but leave pulp. In pitcher, stir together chilled syrup, lemon juice and remaining 7 cups water.
We cut our lemons in half and put them in a ziplock. We had each resident squeeze different lemons. Then strained them into a big bowl. While we did that we talked about lemons facts and current events! It was a very fun yet low key activity.
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