Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Puzzle Dice Game

 Puzzle Dice Game
At my new job I help with the normal scheduled activities. I also hold my own activities for our dementia patients. They are by far some of my favorite activities! Because of their cognition levels I generally do simpler activities. I also make sure there is enough sensory factors. I make it so they use and rotate their senses each day. This game is very easy and always a hit. You will need:
  • Paper (Red, Black, Brown, & White)
  • Permanent Marker
  • Paper Plate
  • Dice
Very easy! With the paper I cut out eyes, noses, tongues, & ears to make a dog. I also made a reference card showing what each number on the die means. As you roll you get to add a piece to your puzzle. Eventually getting a dog in the end. Make sure to have them determine what number they receive. Let them place the piece where they want as well! It's important to let them take over.

I also made a flower puzzle which I will try next week! I made it out of paper plates. I painted petals and the middles of each flower different colors to allow them to choose their favorite. I have pipe cleaner stems too! It's the same concept! The paper plates allows them to grasp each piece better.
  • Green Pipe Cleaner
  • Paper Plates
  • Different Colored Paint
  • Dice
  • White Paper
  • Permanent Marker

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