Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Super Hero Training

Super Hero Training
Thanks to good ol Pinterest I was able to create this really fun activity! It was such a hit! I think I had more fun doing it though! :) Here is what you will need...
  • Crayons
  • Print outs provided below
  • Balloons
  • A weight for the balloons
  • Permanent Marker for balloons
  • Balls/Nerf Guns (some sort of easy weapon)
We first had everyone come up with our superhero names (provided by the super hero generator print out) and fill out licenses, and imagine a super power for each person. Then color or individual symbols (printout provided). Then we had them do a check off superhero crime fighting work out to prepare to fight the bad guys! Then we set up all the balloons scattered around the room and had them attack them in order to pass their certification! Nerf guns would have been really fun, but we only had soft hand sized balls. They used the balloons as targets! Head show was fatal blow or knock out! String or weight was an injury! :) SUPER fun! They LOVED it!! :)

SOOO FUN! :)  I have provided some other ideas I wanted to use but didn't have time for!

-Please Comment!

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