Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Adaptive Games

Adaptive Games
 This is a perfect activity for residents of all types! We run into a lot of problems with higher cognitive or physical games, but this is a perfect adaptive option. Most anyone is able to play this and enjoy it! (Even if they need assistance)
Giant Tic Tac Toe
(I used different materials! but here is a picture of the basic idea)
  • Bean Bags (Different colors for each person) ALSO: If you can have a least 5 bean bags for each person!
  • Tape
  • Yarn
All I did was tape off with yarn and tape 18 squares! SUPER easy! And we had a giant tic tac toe battle with two different teams! THEY LOVED IT! We helped some of the residents, but overall it was a hit!
Bouncing Game
  • 5 boxes or bowls
  • Print out of different points
  • Racquet balls
We played this on hard ground and had them bounce it it! The Racquet balls make it more challenging for the residents! They bounce all over so it's a little bit of a higher level of play. Everyone really liked it because it was a challenge! Here is a picture of the basic idea! (SORRY not actual pictures! We were too busy and having too much fun to take a pic!)

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