Friday, April 29, 2016

Criminal Sketch Activity

Criminal Sketch Activity
  • Projector/TV
  • Power point (provided below)
  • Laptop & Cords
  • Clipboards
  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Whiteboard/Markers
This activity I just did today! It was a test run and it was a PERFECT SUCCESS! We will definitely do it again! SO fun and interesting. I attached below the power point! Feel free to steal away! I took a lot of time so I might as well share it!

We started out by talking about famous American Criminals. They tried to recognize them by a picture. Then we revealed the answer and told different facts about each one and had them talk about what they knew about them. All of them were in their era.

The second portion of the ppt is the criminal sketch activity. We pass out paper and pencils to those that want to do their own sketch. We take one resident out of the room. We show the first mugshot to the group. Say a situation like, "You are at the ATM and someone tries to steal your wallet. You see him for 10 seconds..." You show him for 10 seconds and tell them to study each feature as quick and detailed as possible. After the ten seconds hide the screen and have everyone draw. Have a white board for a group to draw it together. Go to the mug shot screen and bring back the resident. Have them look at the criminal sketches and figure out which one it is!


Good Luck!

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