Saturday, April 9, 2016

Community Outings

Community Outings (Shopping Trips & Other Ideas)

At my work place about 90% of my residents are in wheelchairs, while a very small portion are not. Most of our activities are focused around easy accessibility and easy functioning, but you cannot forget the ones who are more cognitive and mobile. 

Every Tuesday we go on a weekly bus ride. We usually don't get out because of the time it takes to transfer everyone, and especially when we don't have enough volunteers to help push. (I am sure you all know how it goes) But every blue moon we will take our more mobile residents and go do something and get out.

 A few weeks ago we went to Walmart. A few of them had their own money, while the others I took around and they helped me get my own real groceries. 

One resident pushed the cart, and another held the list, while a few others hunted for items. At first I felt a little guilty for having them help me and shopping on the job. But they were SO pleased to help me and tell me good recipes they have made or their shopping tips. Most of them really missed these sort of activities. They even asked to go again! All the while I got my shopping done! They were really excited to help. Try it! Let me know what you think and what your experiences are!

Here are a few ideas of community outings:
  • Feeding the ducks
  • Fishing
  • Finding out about easy volunteering in your area
  • Ice cream trip
  • Art Gallery
  • Flea Markets 
  • Events
  • Walmart or other shopping stores (dollar store is always a fav)
  • Go to lunch! (with proper work funding of course!)
  • Picnic
  • Playing at a park (kites, soccer, etc...)
  • Get a tour 
  • Museum
  • Long pretty drive to the nearest lake
  • Geocaching
  • Watch sports teams practice or even a real game
  • Library
  • Art Class
  • Wii Bowling Tournament at another Facility
  • Go to one of the resident's home town and have them show you around
Don't let their age, cognition, and mobility tie you down! :) :) Get them of their rooms!


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