Friday, July 24, 2015

Minute To Win It Games

Minute To Win It Games
This game was such a hit with our residents! Also I have never laughed this hard before. I was drooling and crying all in the same moment!! It was so fun! Here are a few different games that we played. Pick and choose!
Ping Pong Bounce:
  • 10 or so Ping Pong Balls
  • A Box (The size doesn't matter, but the bigger the easier)
All you do is have the residents bounce the ball into the box. You can time it for a minute, or you can just go until all the balls. It's an easier clean up if you have a lot of hands to help, or have them face a wall so the balls don't go EVERYWHERE! Residents really enjoyed this one! Not much skill needed!
Cookie Face:
  • Nilla Wafer Cookies
  • Your Face :)
This one is a hoot!! You have to set the cookie on your forehead and try to scrunch your face (WITHOUT HANDS) to get the cookie to move into you mouth! In under a minute or just whoever is first in line full of people! Very simple, but tough! Our residents LOVED it! Some were so determined but fell asleep with a cookie on their faces!
Cotton Nose:
  • Vaseline
  • Cotton Balls
  • Paper Plates/Bowls
This was another hit! You put a big blog of Vaseline on your nose and have to dip your nose into the bowl of cotton balls and get some to stick and put them in the other bowl without your hands! So funny! Some residents we held the plates for them. They really liked that! Not too messy! :) Make sure to time it for a minute!
M&M & Straws:
  • M&Ms
  • Straws
  • Paper Plates
You have to suck with the straw and hold the M&M's and transfer them to the other plate. And do as many as you can for a minute! I demonstrated and it was very difficult and I got super light headed! You can try it (the residents didn't seem to bothered!) but I think depending on the cognition and physical ability of your residents I would use something softer like the mini marsh mellows!
Cup Pyramid:
  • 42 Plastic Cups
It calls for 2 people going against each other. You start the timer or either a minute or whenever someone is done. Then they build a pyramid starting with 6 cups at the bottom, then lessen by one until it's a pyramid! Super easy and fun!
Cup Stacking:
  • 20 (ish) Cups
  • 1 Different Colored Cup
You have a pile of plastic ups and you have to one by one take them off and pile them into a different pile until the last different colored cup is on the top. This is all about speed, and most of the residents with the use of their hands could do it! They really liked to race. We had 2 people going at the same time!
These are just a few! But after we got through everyone it killed a whole hour! So if you need more ideas, Google some! There are SO many you can do! These are just some of the ones that worked for us! Please Comment & Share!
For Hippa's Sake we added only us demonstrating! :)

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