Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Indoor Recess

Indoor Recess
This was an absolute blast! They wanted to keep playing!! There are multiple things you can play. Just think of the days when you did Recess. Depending on their amount of movement and independence you can do more. But my facility is mainly wheelchair residents so things were limited but we had so much fun! Here are a few games:
Heads Up 7-Up

Just like the game. We picked three residents to be at the front (limited people) Everyone else closed their eyes and held up their thumbs. Employees would be the 3 people's up runners. They would whisper who they wanted to pick and we would touch their thumbs. We would also play music in the background so the guessing residents couldn't hear. Then turn off the music and everyone opens their eyes and the people got touched would pick who picked them. If they guessed right they switch places!! It's a fan fav! :) They loved it!
Four Corners
This one is my favorite! We had each corner numbered. 1-4 with big numbers. Then someone in the middle was blindfolded and we turned on music while everyone was picking a corner. Us workers went around and asked with our fingers quietly to the residents what corner they wanted and we wheeled them slowly over to the corner! Then had the middle person guess what corner. Everyone in that corner was out! SO FUN!
Hot Potato
This goes without instructions!

Have so much fun! Let me know how you like it! :)

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