Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Water Balloon Getting To Know You

Water Balloon Getting To Know You
There is something inate inside of all of us about getting giddy about water balloons! Something about exploding things that can possibly get thrown at something or someone is thrilling isn't it? haha! Our residents seem to think so!
All you need is:
  • Boxes, or bowls, or laundry baskets (Some sort of container)
  • Water balloons
  • Getting to know you questions
  • Categories printed on each container
The activity is pretty simple! All you have to do is have them aim for a category, and they answer a question! Most the time they miss so whatever the balloon gets closest to! At the end have a free for all and throw water balloons at employees! hehe! SO fun and easy!
Here are some questions!
If you had it to do over again what would you study in school?
Who is someone from your past that you are sorry you lost track of?
What grown-up job did you want to have when you were a child?
Who was your best friend growing up?
What did you do during your childhood summers?
What traditions did your family have?
Where were you in life 10 years ago?
Did you ever get left behind as a child?
What movie can you quote word for word?
What song defines your childhood?
What is the most disgusting thing you have ever eaten?
What makes you feel young?
What cartoon do you still like to watch?
What do you remember about your first day of school?
What cartoon did you watch growing up?
What scares you in the dark?
What was the first concert you went to see?
At what point did you life change for the better?
What is the funniest thing you have heard a child say?
What do you miss from your childhood?
Where did you go on vacation as a child?
What did you do to get pocket money as a child?
What was your favorite TV show growing up?
What is your earliest memory?
What musical interments do you wish you could play?
What subject do you wish you had paid more attention to in school?
What goals do you have for your education?
What do you remember about your first day of school?
Who was your favorite teacher?
If you could ask God a question what would it be?
What word do you love the sound of?
If you did not need the money what would you have studied in school?
How did you make it through school?
What is the best adaptation of a book to a movie?
What is the most beautiful language?
What class in school has proven to be the lease useful?
What was the last book you read?
What is something you have always wanted to try?
What would you like to know more about?
What phrase or idiom do you think is makes no sense?
What is your favorite quote?
If you were to write a novel what would it be about?
What word do you have trouble saying?
What musical instrument do you play?
Did you ever work at an on campus job? What was it?
What summer camps did you go to as a child?
In what ways are you a nerd?
What do you like to learn about?
What music do you and you father have in common?
If you had an extra room in your house what would you use it for?
What did you do during your childhood summers?
What do you think the afterlife is like?
What do you want to do with your retirement?
What traditions did your family have?
Would you ever live in Los Angeles?
What is your warmest birthday memory?
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Did you ever want to change your name? If is to what?
What song was unique to your family growing up?
What song do you sing in the shower?
What was the first thing you learned to cook?
When was the most peaceful day you have had?
What room in the house do you most like to spend time in?
How would you like your family to commemorate your life?
If you had to act your age what behavior would you change?
What is your favorite thing about your dad?
What vegetable do you hate?
In what way are your parents out of date?
What exotic pet would you like to have?
Who taught you to cook?
What makes you feel safe?
What did your father like to cook?
If you life had a sound track what song would you pick for it?
What music do you and you father have in common?
What music do you hate?
What TV show are you embarrassed about watching?
What is your favorite book?
What was the last sporting event you went to?
If you where in a Rock N' Roll band, what would your job be?
What song was unique to your family growing up?
What song do you sing in the shower?
What movie can you quote word for word?
What Olympic sport would you like to try?
What would you want your last words to be?
What song do you have memorized?
What song defines your childhood?
If you had your own TV network what would you put on it?
What comic strip do you like to read?
What cartoon do you still like to watch?
What cartoon did you watch growing up?
What was the first concert you went to see?
What book have you attempted to read several times but have never been able to finish?
What song typifies the last 24 hours of your life?
What is the worst song to get stuck in your head?
What song do you love to dance to?
What was your most embarrassing hair style?
you were a criminal master mind, what would be your criminal racket?
Who is someone from your past that you are sorry you lost track of?
What is your favorite day of the week?
Where were you in life 10 years ago?
What culture not your own do you respect?
What is your warmest birthday memory?
What is the best costume you have worn?
What traditional gender roles do you agree with?
What makes you feel young?
What is your favorite holiday?
Who do you try to impress?
What song typifies the last 24 hours of your life?
If you had to act your age what behavior would you change?
What part of pop culture do you wish would just go away?
If you could have a drink with someone from history who would it be?
Have you ever been mentioned in the newspaper?
Do you have faith in the next generation? Why?
What do you do to impress someone you are attracted to?
What slang word or phrase is most over used?
What do you feel strongly enough about to protest?
If you had an extra hour every day what would you do with it?
When in your life have you needed an alibi?
If you could break one law with impunity what would it be?
What slang word or phrase do you love to use
What is the best food on a hot summer day?
What is the worst flavor of ice cream?
What is the strangest food you have ever eaten?
What is your favorite condiment?
What is the ideal comfort food?
What is the most important meal of the day?
What do you do for exercise?
What Olympic sport would you like to try?
What is the most disgusting thing you have ever eaten?
What was the first thing you learned to cook?
What is your favorite dessert?
What disease frightens you?
What is your favorite salty snack?
If you could have a drink with someone from history who would it be?
What vegetable do you hate?
What is the worst physical pain you have ever been in?
Who taught you to cook?
What did your father like to cook?
What food would you starve without?
Have you ever won a trophy?
What is the longest you have slept at one time?
What restaurant do you love even though you know you shouldn't?
What goals do you have for your health?
What food makes you think of Christmas
Did you ever want to change your name? If is to what?
Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Why?
Where is the funniest place you have ever fallen asleep.
What pet frightens you?
At what point did you life change for the better?
What do you think about when there is nothing you have to think about?
If you could see 24 hours into the future what would you do with this ability?
What is the worst physical pain you have ever been in?
What exotic pet would you like to have?
If you could have one superpower what would it be?
How do you know when you have had too much?
What is the most dangerous thing you have done?
What is your favorite season?
How do you prefer to get bad news?
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Do you consider yourself a sore loser? Why?
When in your life have you had a "now or never" moment?
What does your signature say about you?
What is something you have always wanted to try?
What is the last thing in your life that went according to plan?
What was your first pet?
What was the first thing you ever won?
What do you hate the sound of?
What is something most people do not know about you?
•Would you rather have smelly feet or bad breath?
•Would you rather never have to shower again or never have to brush your teeth again?
•Would you rather eat a live bug or a dead worm?
•Would you rather get good grades or be a good athlete?
•Would you rather go to the school in the summer and have the rest of the year off or go to school during the rest of the year and have summers off?
•Would you rather be the most popular kid in school or the smartest kid in school?
•Would you rather stay at your current age or be 10 years older?
•Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
•Would you rather be super strong or super fast?
•Would you rather be really tall or really short?
•Would you rather have the ability to fly or to be invisible?
•Would you rather always have to say everything that you are thinking or never speak again?
•Would you rather help set the table before dinner or help clean up after dinner?
•Would you rather stay up late or get up early?
•Would you rather jump into a pool of chocolate pudding or a pool of chocolate ice cream?
•Would you rather have a pet cat or a pet dog?
•Would you rather go to the dentist or go to the doctor?
•Would you rather be outside all day or inside all day?
own your own boat or your own plane?
sweat melted cheese or always smell skunk?
speak every language in the world or play every instrument?
walk the Great Wall of China or Amazon River?
go to the beach in the summer or skiing in the winter?
be fabulously famous and poor or unknown and rich?
lose your sense of taste or your sense of smell?
live in space or under the sea?
have feet for hands or hands for feet?
have a head twice as big or half as small?
•…be totally covered in hair head to toe, or completely bald?
•…shoot spaghetti out of your fingers or sneeze meatballs?
•…always have to enter rooms backwards or always have to somersault out?
•…always have the same song stuck in your head or always have the same dream at night?
•…have a unicorn horn or a squirrel tail?

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